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Recent Updates & Additions

30 July - FileManager version 0.972 has been released.
A security hole that allowed authorized users to view any file on the system has been fixed. The security certificate has been extended. Support has been added for 29 more OS types. The find function now works for non-root, jailed users. A new option controls whether or not a user can "click" outside their home directory tree. The AllowRootUser parameter can now disable the 'root' user. A bug that prevented non-root, jailed users from creating subdirectories, a "group" permissions access problem, and a bug in the "Command Line" box which prevented using the asterisk wildcard have all been fixed. Get the whole story at the FileManager Home Page

16 January - FileManager version 0.97 has been released.
Added ability to "jail" users to home directories, added support for DOM-based browsers, added preference saving across updates, added configurable maximum filesize upload parameter, fixed most browser-caching problems, and minor formatting changes. Get the whole story at the FileManager Home Page

20 November - FileManager version 0.963 has been released.
A logic error affecting system and MD5 encrypted passwords has been fixed. Hopefully the username/password problems have now been solved! Added 11 additional file icons. Added support for additional OS's. Enhanced the stability of fm_miniserv. Get the whole story at the FileManager Home Page

24 October - FileManager version 0.962 has been released.
A possible security hole associated with the effective UID on some operating systems has been fixed. Additional code was added to combat browser caching problems. The "Root" status commands for uptime, memory, and disks are now configurable. The user enable/disable selection capability was enhanced. Get the whole story at the FileManager Home Page

20 September - FileManager version 0.961 has been released.
Quick View and other context-menu file I/O operations were broken. It should be fixed now. Get the whole story at the FileManager Home Page

18 September - FileManager version 0.96 has been released.
There are 7 new features and 8 bug fixes as well as some other updates. FileManager is now much more stable than before and handles multiple users, switching machines. Get the whole story at the FileManager Home Page

13 July - nPulse version 0.54 has been released.
This is a full-release, stable version fixes some bugs and adds some new features. Get the whole story at the nPulse Home Page

5 July - nPulse version 0.53p4 has been released.
This pre-release version fixes some bugs and adds some new features. Get the whole story at the nPulse Developers Page

4 July - FileManager version 0.95 has been released.
A number of bugs were fixed and the server is much more error tolerant. Also the context-sensitive, pop-up menus can now be customized! Get the whole story at the FileManager Home Page

13 June - nPulse version 0.53p3 has been released.
This pre-release version fixes some minor bugs and a major History file bug introduced in version 0.52. Get the whole story at the nPulse Developers Page

6 June - FileManager version 0.94 has been released.
This is a complete re-write of most of the interal code especially the multi-user handling and file management. A few bugs were also squashed! Get the whole story at the FileManager Home Page

3 May - FileManager version 0.93 has been released.
There is a bug fix in the QuickDir section and a new ".readme" file display capability. Also the documentation has been updated. Get the whole story at the FileManager Home Page

27 April - nPulse version 0.52 has been released.
This version bundles together all of the changes in the developmental releases of nPulse since version 0.50. There are 7 major new features, 6 bug fixes, and 5 miscellaneous changes. Get the whole story at the nPulse Home Page

27 April - FileManager version 0.92 has been released.
There are two major bug fixes and an internal processing change. Get the whole story at the FileManager Home Page

3 April - nPulse version 0.51p4 has been released.
Bugfixes: the device name for failed devices is now displayed properly on the overview pages when UseAliases=1, the non-standard "hostname -i" command has been removed from setup.sh, and the "post" method has been changed to "get" in detail.pl to solve the "Not Found" problem when SSL was enabled, but not session authentication. New features: the GUI for the Detail Pages has changed, the ability to specify time periods for historical graphs has been added, the email fail/recovery message for SMS and Pagers has been simplified. Get the whole story at the nPulse Home Page

2 April - FileManager version 0.91 has been released.
There are major enhancements including SSL support, multi-users, and download capabilities. Get the whole story at the FileManager Home Page

22 March - nPulse version 0.51p2 has been released.
There is a major bug fix (and some enhancements). Get the whole story at the nPulse Home Page

12 March - nPulse version 0.50 has been released.
There are over 20 new features, many updates, and some bug fixes. Get the whole story at the nPulse Home Page

10 February - nPulse version 0.42 has been released.
Fixed an OS sorting error. When OS was chosen as the sort parameter, the display became garbled. Get the whole story at the nPulse Home Page

8 February - nPulse version 0.41 has been released.
There are many new features, bug fixes, and enhancements. Get the whole story at the nPulse Home Page

30 January - nPulse Frequently Asked Questions has been released.
I've gathered the most common nPulse questions and answers into an nPulse FAQ page.

28 January - New Developers Area for nPULSE
Due to the large number of excellent suggestions and the fast upgrade cycle of nPulse, I've created an nPulse Developers/Testers Web Page. This page gives those of you who want the latest and greatest version the ability to download the pre-release versions.

17 January - nPULSE -- Web-based Network Monitoring Package Version 0.31 (beta) released
Version 0.31 is a maintenance release with some bug fixes and some new (requested) features.

16 January - nPULSE -- Web-based Network Monitoring Package Version 0.3 (beta) released
Version 0.3 has improved automatic network monitoring, additional monitoring control, and numerous bug fixes.

29 December - New Year's E-Cards Online
Two new FREE Happy New Year Electonic Postcards are now available in the E-Card area.

8 December - nSite -- A Tool for Generating WWW Site Maps -- Version 1.1 released
Version 1.1 adds the ability to specify an alternate starting point for the site map. Version 1.0 allways started at the default (index) file.

1 December - Christmas E-Cards Online
FREE Christmas and Hanukkah Electonic Postcards are now available in the E-Card area.

9 November - Thanksgiving E-Cards
The FREE Thanksgiving Electonic Postcards are now available in the E-Card area.

28 October - Added Halloween E-card
Send your own FREE E-card.

30 August - HTML Tag Analyzer -- A Web-enabled HTML File Analysis Utility Version 1.1 released.
Fixed handling of double quote (") within a tag in htaz. Misc. code and docs cleanup. First Public Release.

30 August - New Lightning Photo.
I added a new lightning photo submitted by Josh Zimmerman to the lightning page.

28 August - nPULSE (standard version) updated to Version 0.2
nPULSE now has its own internal bar chart generation capability. I've removed the reliance on libgd, GD.pm, and GD::Graph. Other changes include:

  1. Added support to detect the FreeBSD 4.0 operating system.
  2. Fixed a bug in setup.sh which did not properly over-write the miniserv.conf file during an upgrade or re-run of setup.
  3. Setup now deletes the config file if the user selects 'no' during the confirmation section.
  4. Fixed a bug in autorecheck.pl which would generate multiple entries for the same timestamp.
  5. Fixed the Auto Check stop/restart bug.

28 August - HTML Color Palette Tool -- A Web-enabled Color and Background Tool for IE and Netscape Version 1.0 released.
HCPT is a single-page, DHTML tool which allows you to experiment with multiple background colors and textures to see how text, lines, icons, buttons, and bullets look against them. It works with Microsoft IE 4+ (5 on Mac) and Netscape Navigator 4+. This tool comes complete with a large set (>2.7MB) of graphics files. There is a self-extracting version for Windows and a 'tar.gz' version.

25 August - Writer's Internet Guidebook updated.
A number of the hyperlinks in the guidebook had become outdated. I updated all that I could find to current sites.

25 August - HTML Tag Analyzer -- A Web-enabled HTML File Analysis Utility Version 1.0.2 released.
Fixed "check all" problem in htaz. Added some POD documentation in the doc directory.

18 August - ManViewer -- A Web-enabled Remote Manual Reader for Linux and Irix Version 0.9 released.
Manviewer is a Perl CGI that allows you to remotely search and view the man pages using a web browser. It allows partial word and phrase searching and section browsing. It also is fully hyperlinked within each man page.

18 August - nSite -- A Tool for Generating WWW Site Maps Version 1.0 released.
nSite generates site maps for a given WWW site. It walks a site from the root URL and generates an HTML, TEXT, or XML link page which illustrates the structure of the site. This is a highly configurable Perl 5 script and companion module. Using this tool can be a quick way to determine the structure of an unknown or complex web site.

15 August - HTML Tag Analyzer -- A Web-enabled HTML File Analysis Utility Version 1.0.1 released.
Added to htaz the ability to handle all types of meta tags via the "All Meta Tags" checkbox.

8 August - HTML Tag Analyzer -- A Web-enabled HTML File Analysis Utility Version 1.0 released.
HTML Tag Analyzer (htaz) is a web-based HTML file analysis application. It takes as input a directory name and examines each of the HTML files in the directory and all sub-directories. This tool can be quite useful for sites that need a quick way to determine missing elements and to check for consistency.

8 August - FileManager -- Web-based File Management Package for Linux and Unix Version 0.9 released.
FileManager is a web-based file, directory, and remote command manager for Unix-like operating systems. It displays directory information, allows file viewing and editing, assists in directory navigation, and can execute any command for which the Web Server account has privilege. FileManager is written in Perl and comes with its own mini web server (optional) for extra security.

8 August - nPULSE (standard version) -- Web-based Network Monitoring Package for Linux and Unix Version 0.1 released.
nPULSE is a web-based network monitoring package for Unix-like operating systems. It can quickly monitor tens, hundreds, even thousands of sites/devices at a time on multiple ports. nPULSE is written in Perl and comes with its own mini web server for extra security.

8 August - nPULSE (SE) -- Web-based Network Monitoring Package for Linux and Unix Version 0.1 released.
nPULSE-SE (limited version) is a web-based network monitoring package for Unix-like operating systems. It can quickly monitor tens, hundreds, even thousands of sites/devices at a time. nPULSE-SE is written in Perl and comes with its own mini web server for extra security.

8 August - Added the downloads section.
The downloads section contains open-source software that I've written on a variety of topics. Typically the software is web-enabled, cross-browser, linux/unix tools and applications for programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Some tools are linux/unix command-line utilities.


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