There Is A Wealth Of Information On The Net
IT Manager's Corner


Just For Fun





Finding specific information on the Web can be a frustrating experience. It seems that after spending hours on the Web, all you have to show for it is eye strain. In this article I will talk about places on the Web to find information on specific genres of interest to writers. While I can't cover all areas, I'll focus on eight specific genres: young adult and children's writing, Christian writing, drama and playwriting, mystery, poetry, romance, history, and science fiction.

First, a disclaimer: since I am not an expert in each of these genres, what follows is based on my biased view of writing. There are certainly other Web sites with similar, or even better, information not mentioned here. Also, while I've been thorough in researching these sites, the Web is a highly volatile medium. Sites appear and disappear daily. If a particular site I've listed no longer exists, you can try another one listed or use a Web search engine such as those discussed in an earlier article.

Now let's get to the sites. In each genre I've listed the Web sites in alphabetical order. If a site is particularly excellent, I've added a "Recommended" note.

Here are some quick links to jump to a specific topic:

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Young Adult & Children's Writing

Aaron Shepherd's Kidwriter Page

Resources for children's writers. Articles, how-to tips, useful books, professional writing guide, etc.

Books For Children and More

A colorful site maintained by Harold Underdown, children's editor, with useful information including a list of useful original articles, children's literature, images, publishing, and reference information.

Children's Literature Web Guide

You'll find links to just about everything concerning children's writing here.

The Children's Writing Resource Centre

"Whether you're published, a beginner, or just someone who's always dreamt of writing for kids, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find lots of information, exclusive Special Reports, messaging and live chat, the latest children's bestsellers, links to other important sites and much more."


"More than 18,000 stories written by kids from all over the planet!" This highly visited site gives you a flavor of what kids are writing about these days.

Raab Associates

Marketing/public relations for children's and parenting book authors. "Services include: author tours, national media campaigns, children's market research, consulting, workshops, internet marketing, author web consulting."

Christian Writing

The Catholic Encyclopedia

"The Catholic Encyclopedia, as its name implies, proposes to give its readers full and authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine." If you need Catholic information, it's probably here.

Christian Writers Fellowship International

Christian Writers Fellowship International is a multi-service organization for writers. Services include a critique service, "Christian connections," book promotion, and writer's resources. They also produce a newsletter and have an extensive list of links to member sites, copyright information, software, search engines, and other sites of interest.

Writers Information Network

Professional Association for Christian writers.

Drama & Playwriting

Essays on the Craft of Dramatic Writing

If you write, or are thinking about writing dramatic plays or screenwriting, you must visit this site.

New Dramatists

New Dramatists offers seven-year memberships to emerging playwrights of talent and ability. Primary among the services offered to members are the various play development workshops; playwright exchange programs with England, Ireland, Australia, Chile, Los Angeles and Israel; and ScriptShare, a national script distribution service. Additional services include screenplay development and musical theater workshops; writer's workspaces; unlimited script copying facilities, and a summer playwriting residency in Lake Placid, NY.

The Playwriting Seminars

"The Playwriting Seminars focus on the kinds of new plays most often produced by the nation's 250 regional theaters." This popular web site offers insight and instruction in the art of writing plays.

Screenwriters/Playwrights Page

One of the first sites about screen and playwriting on the web, and one of the best. Offers a tremendous amount of resources and information, links to other sites and a screenwriting tutorial.

Mystery - "Put the dead body on the first page."

ClueLass Home Page

This is a large online magazine ("Zine") site with many useful mystery writer's resources.

Internet Crimewriting Network

Looks useful, but there is a fee for access to most parts of the site.

Mystery By Mail

Billed as the "online book store for Mystery Lovers" from Soda Creek Press.

Mystery Connection

A small but useful list of links to online mystery resources.

Sisters in Crime

The purpose of Sisters in Crime is "to combat discrimination against women in the mystery field, educate publishers and the general public as to inequities in the treatment of female authors and to raise awareness of their contribution to the field." The site also contains an extensive list of mystery links to other Web sites.

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A Tangled Web

This site is devoted to crime and mystery fiction. "We aim to provide a wide range of links to Crime/Mystery Fiction- related sites, including Authors' home pages, other sites devoted to Authors and their Alter-Egos, Bibliographies, Tools of the Crime Fiction Trade etc." Unfortunately, it is very slow even with high-speed internet access.


The Academy of American Poets

The largest organization in the country dedicated specifically to the art of poetry.

Albany Poetry Workshop

"The AlienFlower Poetry Workshop holds free and fee-based online poetry workshops for poets to revise their poems-in-progress and to improve their writing skills."

British Poetry 1780-1910: a Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions

The name says it all.

Glossary of Poetic Terms

"A Unique Guide for the Study of Poetry Featuring: Phonetic pronunciation Cross references, Broad range of definitions, A wealth of poetic quotations from famous writers of poetry."

Haiku Server

A site devoted to serious haiku.

The Poetry Exchange

Poets can submit their work for web publication. They publish many, many poems. This site is worth checking out.


Joanne Reid's Romance Links

Lots of useful information for romance writers. Also links to the Mining Co.

Mako's Angel

Home page of Suzette Mako. Lots of useful links for romance writers and readers.

The Novelist's Workshop

Very useful site from a successful author. This is a good place to get started.

Regency home page

Web site for readers and writers of Regency fiction. Includes the Regency Timeline and the Regency Romance online bookstore.

Romance Readers Corner

News, interesting links, free biweekly publication, books lists, lots more. Nice layout. Part of The Reader's Corner.

Romance Writers' Reference Page

Actually an online bookstore which bills itself as "The Place to Buy Romance Books."


A commercial site with all sorts of interesting stuff from Harlequin, Silhouette, MIRA, and Steeple Hill.

Romancing The Web

A nice-looking site for information, sources, and publicity for and about romance writers and readers.

Science Fiction Romance

For those interested in the crossover between the Science Fiction/Fantasy Genre and the Romance Genre.


The HistoryNet - Where History Lives on the Web

This is a large commercial site with a lot of information. You'll either like it or dislike it.

History of Science, Technology & Medicine

This very large site is part of the WWW Virtual Library. It has links to hundreds of sites organized by subject, alphabetically, by region, etc.

Horus' History Links

A complete but very slow site organized by sources and themes. The site is hosted by the University of California, Riverside.

Godey's Lady's Book Online

"Godey's Lady's Book was one of the most popular lady's books of the 19th century. Each issue contained poetry, beautiful engraving and articles by some of the most well known authors in America."

The Smithsonian Institution

The name says it all. An excellent site.

WPA Life Histories

"These life histories were written by the staff of the Folklore Project of the Federal Writers' Project for the U.S. Works Progress Administration from 1936-1940. The collection of 2,900 documents represents the work of over 300 writers from 24 states. The histories describe the informant's family education, income, occupation, political views, religion and mores, medical needs, diet and miscellaneous observations."

Resources for Victorian Living

Billed as "an Internet-based resource directory for Victorian living. Victoriana introduces a unique way to locate and review sources for quality antiques, 19th Century reproductions and services relating to Victorian decorating, life-styles and restoration. This resource guide transports one back in time with a selection of businesses specializing in the type of merchandise and services reminiscent of an earlier time."

Science Fiction

Mary Soon Lee's Speculative Fiction

A nice starting point for would-be science fiction writers. Full of interesting information and links to other related sites.

Science Fiction Resource Guide

A massive resource that includes a list of Writers' Resources, reviews, authors, frequently asked questions, and much more.

Internet Top 100 Science Fiction/Fantasy List

An excellent reading list for anyone new to the SF/F genre. Also checkout their "Books and Writing Online" page.

Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase

"The ISFDB is a continuous, ongoing effort to catalog works of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. It is an attempt to link together various types of bibliographic data: author bibliographies, publication bibliographies, award listings, magazine content listings, anthology and collection content listings, yearly fiction indexes, and forthcoming books."

The Market List

You will find over 100 markets for your science fiction, fantasy, and horror cartegorized by pro, semi-pro, small press, zine, anthology, and contest. Included are market summaries that include the story length, pay rate, average response time, and general submission info.

Closing Comments

If you can't find what you are looking for at the sites I've listed, checkout the Web site for a large list of Web sites around the world.

Next time I will wrap things up with topics such as publishing online and creating your own Web site, and will present a "must see" list of sites for any writer.

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